TIP 4 Kids provides comfort and support to kids.
The Need
Children often do not receive the support they need immediately following tragic events. The reasons include:
• Parents are unable to provide support because they are physically or emotionally injured.
• Parents are taken into custody by law enforcement.
• Children don’t express their need for assistance.
• Emergency responders are preoccupied with the emergency situation.
Examples of Actual Calls
• Three small children are emotionally traumatized in a hospital emergency room after an auto accident in which their mother is killed.
• Four children are left alone when their parents are taken into custody after a drug raid.
• Two children witness a third child killed by a speeding Amtrak train.
• Fifteen children witness a man intentionally drive into their day care center killing two.
• An 8-year old child discovers his father died of a drug overdose.
• Thirty children witness a child crushed by a park bench at a YMCA park. -
TIP Volunteers Can Help
• Provide emotional comfort and support
• Protect from on-scene dangers (traffic, gruesome sights, etc.)
• Provide “comfort bears,” coloring books, and other comforting and reassuring materials
• Explain emergency procedures in simple terms
• Reassure traumatized parents or caregivers that their children are being cared for
• Provide education and written materials explaining how to help children after a tragic event
• Provide local referrals for follow-up child and family counseling